Getting to Know You - The Foundation of Success

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I count wins by the relationships I’ve built, and ultimately how I serve that relationship. If I do the work, the business will generally follow. A suspect becomes a prospect, a prospect becomes a friend, a friend becomes a client, and a client becomes a referral source. Often that client also becomes an advisor back to me. You never know where you’re going to get that next great piece of advice, so be open to it.

This has been my practice my entire career: find someone you want to know, and work to make it happen. It’s a natural “givers gain” approach to business as well as life.

I love to understand how businesses operate, where they falter, how they recover, grow, pivot, and succeed. It doesn’t matter what kind of business – an insurance agency, restaurant, not-for-profit, or contractor – I could sit with almost any owner/operator and be mesmerized by learning their path. It’s like never-ending story time for me, and I’m lucky that most love to share. People are proud of what they’ve accomplished – as they should be. Sometimes that pride is new, and highlights their current team; other times it’s about the generations before them that laid the foundation. I genuinely enjoy hearing the history, operational details, and succession plans. 

Familiarity and comfort make it easier to stay connected and relevant. When they have a reason to celebrate, congratulate them. When they’re personally or professionally struggling, don’t hide – offer support and be a resource when needed. While you’re learning their world, they’ll likely learn about yours as you share experiences. When appropriate, talk about business and ask for referrals, but always in the context of giving first.

I believe the fundamentals of getting to know someone and their business truly sets the foundation for a successful PARTNERSHIP – one of CCB’s core values. Simply being helpful and present is less common than it should be, and works wonders for the soul. It’s been my approach for my entire career, and I can’t imagine doing it differently.